These intimate portraits of same-sex couples were taken nearly 30 years before gay marriage was legalized across the US


It is 2015 and same-sex marriage is now legal across the United States.


But in the late 1980s, it was a different story. The gay community was not widely accepted, and couples had to keep their relationships mostly secret.

It was during this period that photographer Sage Sohier set out across America with her Fuji camera to capture gay couples in their homes.

"Viewers were familiar with seeing gay day parades, and other 'colorful' aspects of the gay community. What they were less familiar with were the private, intimate moments of a couple's home life," Sohier told Business Insider in an interview.

Sohier says the recent Supreme Court ruling was "a very moving moment for me. It's phenomenal how far the country has come on this one issue, and it's a humanizing moment worth celebrating in an otherwise troubled time."


Sohier's photos were published last fall in a book called "At Home With Themselves," which is available to buy on her website. A selection of those photos are below, along with more excerpts from our interview with Sohier.